U-Upload Cart Documentation

1 Overview

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Features
1.3 Version History
1.4 Known Issues

2 Installation

2.1 Deploying to a web server
2.2 Minimum configuration

3 Using U-Upload Cart

3.1 Minimum System Requirements
3.2 User Interface
3.3 Running U-Upload
3.4 Directory browsing
3.5 Selecting files and directories
3.6 Uploading files

4 Configuring U-Upload Cart

4.1 Connection parameters
4.2 Proxy parameters
4.3 Functionality related parameters
4.4 Color and Interface settings
4.5 Error Page URL parameters
4.6 Language settings and internationalization

5 Advanced Features

5.1 Advanced file selection
5.2 Loading U-Upload dynamically
5.3 Integrating U-Upload with your web application

6 Support

6.1 Frequently Asked Questions and Troubleshooting
6.2 Support forums
6.3 Phone, Email, and chat support

1 Overview

1.1 Introduction

U-Upload Cart is an FTP file upload applet with over 50 customizable parameters and an advanced file selection interface. Using U-Upload Cart's parameters, you can create fully customized, simple to use, file/image upload site for your users. To customize U-Upload Cart, you must edit "uuploadcart.js" file with an HTML/text editor. You can then use the following tables as a guide to customizing each of U-Upload Cart's parameters.

Then add the following line to your HTML file:

<script language="javascript" src=" uuploadcart.js"></script>

You must also make sure that you either put uuploadcart.js in the same directory as your page, or the src parameter reflects the location of the script file.

If you require further assistance with setup, or are interested in related products and customization services, please visit our website.

Please also review the Readme and License files.

1.2 Features

The following is a list of the main features of U-Upload Cart.

  • Tailored for Print/Image Upload.
  • Image file preview.
  • Advanced file selection interface.
  • Maintain all resource forks on Mac using Mac Binary encoding on Mac Classic, and DMG format on OS X

1.3 Version History

New features and bugs fixed in version 1.3.1

  • Added "checksize" parameter. This will verify file size after a transfer
  • Redirect URLs can now call "javascript:" urls.

New features and bugs fixed in version 1.3.0

  • Added auto DMG feature for OS X 10.1+. This will maintain all resource forks, and upload one DMG image file
  • Added ability to show thumbnails while browsing
  • Added ability to specify whether to re-zip selected zip files
  • Added abililty to HTTP POST either the name of generated archives (Zip, DMG) , or the contents of the archives.
  • Added "servletUploadMultiplier" parameter to improve upload performance through UnlimitedFTP Servlet
  • Added "addAllFileAndDirectories" parameter to control function of "Add All" button

New features and bugs fixed in version 1.2.2

  • Added removeSpaces, removeAccentsAndQuotes, and removePathsFromPostData parameters
  • Fix bug with file browsing on Unix/Linux clients
  • Added more language support
  • Various other minor bug fixes

New features and bugs fixed in version 1.2.1

  • Added autoZip, zipFilename, and zipPathinfo parameters
  • Fix bug with sendLogsToURL being left blank
  • Completed language entries
  • Various other minor bug fixes

New features and bugs fixed in version 1.2

  • Fixed bug with network interruptions for Mac Classic (Mac OS 9.1 and Mac OS 10.1.5).
  • Fixed bug with transfer time for large file size in Mac OS 10.1.5.
  • Fixed bug with multiple directory uploads.
  • Fixed bug with large number of files and callurlaftertransfer parameter in uploadcart.js file.
  • Added new GUI interface with new button.
  • New delimiter parameter introduced in uploadcart.js file.
  • New  sendLogsToURL parameter introduced in order to send FTP session logs to a url.
  • New postURL parameter introduced in order to send file list to a url via HTTP Post.
  • New  uploadButtonLocation parameter introduced for placement of Upload button on the U-Upload Cart applet.

New features and bugs fixed in version 1.0.1

  • Fixed bug with selecting multiple files from different directories, remote path was mangled
  • Fixed bug with redirect URL not appending file list, and totalSize was always = 0
  • Fixed bug when deselecting files that have been selected while holding CTRL
  • Fixed bug with Cancel/Resume on Mac OS 9

1.4 Known Issues in version 1.3

  1. Parameter "mode" in uuploadcart.js file.

    The "mode" parameter in uuploadcart.js file, when set to "macbin" for Mac, will not function for   Mac OS 10.2 or higher. Setting  mode parameter to "macbin" will transfer any Windows or Mac file in data mode. See Section 4.3 As of v1.3, Mac OS X can now maintian resource forks using the "autoDmg" parameter.

  2. Opera browser on Mac (all versions) behaves erratically, and is not supported.

  3. Firefox on Mac OS X is not yet supported. Until the Java Embedding Plugin v1.0 is released this will continue to be the case.
  4. Network interruptions for Mac Classic (Mac OS 9.1 and Mac OS 10.1.5)

    With the network cable unplugged, Mac Classic will auto resume upload of the same file irrespective of any  waitRetry or waitRetries parameter set in uuploadcart.js file.See Section 4.1

2 Installation

2.1 Deploying to a web server

  1. Extract the contents of uuploadcart.zip to your local hard disk using a zip utility.
  2. Create a directory on your web server. For example /uuploadcart.
  3. Upload all files extracted in Step 1. to the directory you created on the web server in Step 2. Important: When uploading files make sure that you upload files in binary mode.
  4. Go to test page located at the URL http://yourserver.com/uuploadcart/index.html, where yourserver.com is replaced by your domain name. Example: http://www.utechsoft.com/uuploadcart/index.html
  5. U-Upload Cart  has a minimum configuration requirement, which is described in Section 2.2
  6. To customize the Functionality of U-Upload Cart, edit the file uuploadcart.js with a text editor such as notepad. Each of the customizable parameters is defined below in Section 4
  7. Upload the new uuploadcart.js to your web server.

2.2 Minimum configuration

U-Upload Cart  requires a minimum configuration in order to function. You must setup the "server", "user" and "pass" parameters so U-Upload Cart can connect to your FTP server and upload files. To do this you must edit file uuploadcart.js with a text editor, and set the values to reflect your FTP server. For example:

// Connection related values

var server = "ftp.yourserver.com";
var port = "";
var user = "username";
var pass = "password";

Additional configuration parameters are described in Section 4

3 Using U-Upload Cart

3.1 Minimum System Requirements

The minimum system requirements for using U-Upload Cart are as follows:

Operating Systems: Windows 98/2000/XP/ME or Mac OS 8.x, 9.x, 10.x , Linux, Soalris
Browser: Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Opera. Mozilla, Safari, Firefox
Browser Java VM: Java 1.1 or above enabled
FTP server (must be accessible from your machine)

3.2 User Interface

Below is a screen shot of the U-Upload Cart user interface. Depending on your Operating System and browser, as well as the parameters you have configured, your display may differ slightly.

File Not Found

  Fig. 3.1 The U-Upload Cart interface
  1. Directory Listing - Displays the files / directories within a directory on local machine.

  2. Selection Preview Box -This box will let you preview a image file before uploading onto the ftp server.

  3. Upload button - This button will upload files in Upload Cart to the ftp server.

  4. Add, Add All, Remove, Remove All buttons.
Not found This button will let you add all the files from a folder as selected on browse dialog onto Upload Cart.
Not Found This button will let you add a single file from a browse dialog onto Upload Cart. If a folder is selected on browse dialog, this button will also add the entire folder onto Upload Cart.
Not Found This button will let you remove a single file from Upload Cart. This button will also remove an entire folder from Upload Cart.
Not Found This button will let you remove more all the files or folders from Upload Cart.
Not found This button will display the U-Upload Cart usage instructions.

3.3 Running U-Upload Cart

To load U-Upload Cart, use your web browser to open the test page you uploaded during installation. See Deploying to a web server. Upon loading U-Upload Cart  a dialog will be presented similar to the one shown below asking you to confirm that you trust the certificate used to sign the applet. The dialog may vary depending on the browser you use. You must accept this dialog for the applet to continue loading. To avoid this dialog from being displayed each time you connect click on the "Always trust content from Unlimi-Tech Software Inc." checkbox in IE, or on the "Always" button if you use Sun's Java Plugin. This dialog ensures that U-Upload Cart is a trusted application, and you wish to allow it to run with full permissions.

Image not found

Fig. 3.2.1 Internet Explorer with Microsoft VM security warning

Imgae not found

Fig 3.2.2 Sun Java Plugin security warning


Image not found

Fig. 3.2.3 Internet Explorer with security warning

Imgae not found

Fig 3.2.4 Sun Java Plugin security warning


Imgae not found

Fig 3.2.5 Microsoft Java Plugin security warning


Image not found

Fig. 3.3 Safari Browser with security warning

Once you have accepted the certificate dialog, U-Upload Cart  will continue loading.

3.4 Directory browsing

When U-Upload Cart is loaded, U-Upload Cart will display a list box similar to the one displayed in Figure 3.4 below. Folders are identified by the folder icon and files are identified by the file icon . To see the contents of a sub folder, double click on its icon. You may return to a parent folder by clicking on the parent folder icon Image not found.

Directory browsing may also be done using the keyboard using the up/down arrows and the Enter key. You may quickly move the list to a file beginning with a certain letter by pressing the first letter of that file on your keyboard. Pressing Enter on a folder will automatically enter that folder for browsing. 

Not found
Fig. 3.4 U-Upload Cart browse list box

3.5 Selecting files and directories

To select a file or folder, click on the item in the directory listing using your mouse. You may select a multiple of files by holding down the SHIFT key and selecting the first and last file in the desired range. Alternatively you may select multiple items by holding the CTRL key and selecting each item using your mouse. When you have selected the files you wish to upload, click on the Add button. Mac OS 9.x users may use the left and right arrow buttons to select multiple files. Alternatively, you can select the files by using drag and drop feature of U-Upload Cart. Simply drag the desired files into the Upload Cart.

3.6 Uploading files

To upload the files you have selected, simply click on the "Upload" button and the file upload should be initiated. Depending on your configuration, you will see a progress status dialog similar to the one in Figure 3.5 below. Once the upload is complete, depending on the configuration, U-Upload Cart may redirect to another web page.

Not found

Fig. 3.5
Progress status

4 Configuring U-Upload Cart

These settings can be configured in uuploadcart.js. Note that every time you change these settings, you will need to upload the modified uuploadcart.js file.

4.1 Connection parameters

These parameters control how U-Upload Cart will establish the connection to the FTP server.

Connection related settings

The host name or IP address of the FTP server.

Default value: ""
Valid values: "<valid hostname or IP address>"


The port number of the FTP server. Usually the default FTP port is 21.

Default value: "21"
Valid values: "<valid port number>"


The password for the FTP server account.

Default value: ""


The username for the FTP server account.

Default value: ""


If set to "true", all data connections will be outgoing. U-Upload Cart works through firewalls when this value is set to "true". If you are using an FTP proxy, set this value to "false".

Default value: "true"
Valid values: "true", "false"


If set to "true" you must pass encrypted user/pass/server parameters to U-Upload Cart, which will decrypt them and perform the login. The encryption is based on a key value that is specified by the "ek" parameter below. To encrypt parameters you can use encrypt.html that was downloaded with U-Upload Cart. This provides at least some measure of protection from prying eyes, and people who love to snoop through your HTML.

Although this seems very un-secure to include the encryption algorithm along with the applet, keep in mind this is only a way to hide login credentials from users who try to view the HTML source of your page. Determined hackers will easily be able to sniff the network to retrieve user and password info regardless of the encryption done in the HTML.

Default value: "false"
Valid values: "true", "false"


This parameter works in conjunction with the "encrypt" parameter. This is the key that is used to encode/decode the string value you pass to the user, pass, and server parameters. Here is an example configuration. In this example, the server/user/pass strings are respectively. This illustrates how the parameters will look to anyone who inspects the connection values in your HTML:

var server = "8I7BLHN;8I8@5";
var port = "21";
var pass = "|vy&[)&yp*p&jx#((;j,t";
var user = "h~t$6!=$z";
var autoconnect = "true";
var autoreconnect = "true";
var passive = "true";
var encrypt = "true";
var ek = "encryptkey";

Default value: ""
Valid values: "<string value>"


This value (in milliseconds) specifies how long U-Upload Cart will try to connect to an FTP server before giving up and timing out.

Default value: "20000"
Valid values: "<integer value>"


This value (in milliseconds) specifies how long a data connection will wait to read data before giving up and timing out.

Default value: "-1" means no timeout
Valid values: "<integer value>"


This value (in milliseconds) specifies how long U-Upload Cart will wait, if a transfer error occurs, before it tries to reconnect and resume the transfer.

Default value: "3000" (3 seconds)
Valid values: "<integer value>"


This value specifies how many times U-Upload Cart will try, if a transfer error occurs, to reconnect and resume the transfer.

Default value: "1"
Valid values: "<integer value>"


If set to true, U-Upload Cart will attempt to open an FTP connection through the Service Forwarding Agent at the URL specified by the "SerfoLocation" parameter below.

If set to auto, U-Upload Cart will first attempt to open a regular FTP connection, and if it fails, it will retry through the Service Forwarding Agent at the URL specified by the "SerfoLocation" parameter below.

Default value: "false"
Valid values: "true", "false", "auto"


The location of the Service Forwarding Agent servlet. Please visit http://www.utechsoft.com/uftps for more information.

Default value: ""
Valid values: "<valid URL>"

4.2 Proxy settings

These parameters allow you to configure U-Upload Cart to connect through a SOCKS4 or FTP proxy server. Please contact your network administrator or ISP to determine if you use a proxy server for FTP.

Proxy server related settings. (Internet Explorer Only)

If this value is set to "true", U-Upload Cart will automatically attempt to detect Internet Explorer's Proxy setup and use it when connecting to FTP servers. This will detect both SOCKS 4 proxy settings, and FTP proxy settings.

Default value: "false"
Valid values: "true", "false"


If this value is set to "true", U-Upload Cart will use the SOCKS proxy server and port specified by the "socksProxyHost" and "socksProxyPort" parameters.

Default value: "false"
Valid values: "true", "false"


SOCKS proxy server location.

Default value: ""
Valid values: "<valid hostname or IP address>"


SOCKS proxy server port.

Default value: ""
Valid values: "<valid port number>"


If this value is set to "true" and socksproxy is set to "false", U-Upload Cart will use the FTP proxy server and port specified by the "ftpProxyHost" and "ftpProxyPort" parameters.

Default value: "false"
Valid values: "true", "false"


FTP proxy server location.

Default value: ""
Valid values: "<valid hostname or IP address>"


FTP proxy server port.

Default value: ""
Valid values: "<valid port number>"

4.3 Functionality related settings

These parameters determine how U-Upload Cart  will behave under certain circumstances after a connection is established. Please read the descriptions carefully before attempting to use these settings.

Functionality related settings


Transfer method, can be set to either "data" or "macbin", the default is data. This parameter only works on the Mac OS platform. When the method is set to "macbin" U-Upload Cart will automatically encode each file into a Mac Binary format on MAC. MacBinary format is Internet friendly and allows all Mac files to be transferred to other platforms without any problems.   IMPORTANT:Setting macbin will still transfer windows files in data mode.

NOTE: Macbinary will not function in OS X 10.2 or higher.

Default value: "data" (MacOS only)
Valid values: "data" or "macbin"


U-Upload Cart  will automatically browse this local directory when U-Upload Cart is first loaded onto the browser. Example would be "c:\\windows" on a Windows machine or "/etc" on Mac or Unix.

Default value: ""
Valid values: "<valid local directory>"


U-Upload Cart will automatically switch to this directory on the FTP server after a successful login. Example would be "/initialdir". Note that this directory must already exist, or must be specified to be created with the "createdirectoryonstartup" parameter.

Default value: ""
Valid values: "<valid remote directory>"


If this parameter is set to "true", all selected files will be compressed using ZIP compression.

Default value: "false"
Valid values: "true", "false"


Used in conjunction with the "autozip" parameter, this parameter specifies the filename for the compressed archive.

Default value: "files.zip"
Valid values: <valid filename>


If set to "true", U-Upload will re-zip files that are already in Zip format.

Default value: "false"
Valid values: "true", "false"


If this parameter is set to "true", all path info is maintained in the zip archive. Otherwise the path info is not included.

Default value: "false"
Valid values: "true", "false"


This parameter specifies a remote directory that should be created when an FTP connection is established.

Default value: ""
Valid values: "<valid remote directory>"


If this value is set to "true", U-Upload Cart will prompt you if the file(s) already exist on the FTP server. You will have the choice to overwrite if you want to. If it is set to false, U-Upload Cart will always overwrite.

Default value: "false"
Valid values: "true", "false"


U-Upload Cart will redirect to this URL when the transfer is complete and was successful. The url will be appended with a common base folder of all the files uploaded and total size of all uploaded files.

NOTE: if you are simply testing with a URL like http://www.utechsoft.com you should append a / on the end to avoid 404 errors.

Default value: ""
Valid values: "<valid URL>"


Used in conjunction with callurlaftertransfer, this parameter specifies the target for the redirection.

Default value: "_self"
Valid values: "_top", "_blank", "_self", etc...


U-Upload Cart will redirect to this URL if an error occurred during the file transfer, or the network connection is terminated. This URL is also called if U-Upload Cart has attempted to restart the transfer more than the number of tries specified by the "maxRetries" parameter.

Default value: ""
Valid values: "<valid URL>"


Used in conjunction with transfererrorurl, this parameter specifies the target for the redirection.

Default value: "_self"
Valid values: "_top", "_blank", "_self", etc...


U-Upload Cart will redirect to this URL if the transfer is canceled.

Default value: ""
Valid values: "<valid URL>"


Used in conjunction with transfercancelurl, this parameter specifies the target for the redirection.

Default value: "_self"
Valid values: "_top", "_blank", "_self", etc...


U-Upload Cart will redirect to this URL if any other errors occur. This may include login or connection errors.

Default value: ""
Valid values: "<valid URL>"


Used in conjunction with othererrorurl, this parameter specifies the target for the redirection.

Default value: "_self"
Valid values: "_top", "_blank", "_self", etc...


This is an FTP Site command that will be executed immediately before the upload is initiated. This is useful for connecting to FTP server that require a specific file format to be specified before transferring. Setting this to a value of "help" would result in "SITE help" being sent to the FTP server.

Default value: ""
Valid values: "<valid FTP SITE command>"

maxfiles This parameter specifies the maximum number of files that can be uploaded onto the ftp server.

Default value: "1000"
Valid values: "<valid number>"
This parameter specifies the limit on the size of a file which can be uploaded onto the ftp server.

Default value: "104857600" (in bytes)
Valid values:"<value number>"
This parameter specifies the file filter for U-Upload Cart directory list box. Only those files of extension type as specified are listed on the directory list box. If more than one type of extension is specified, they have to be delimited by a comma (,).

Note: In order for this parameter to function properly wild card asterisk (*) and dot (.) must not be preceded with the extension.
For example: Valid values: "<jpg,bmp,txt>"          // legal
                    Invalid values: "<*.jpg,*.bmp,*.txt>" // illegal

Default value: ""
Valid values:"<extension 1,extension 2,....,extension n>"

Setting this parameter allows you to execute a custom SITE command after each file is uploaded. This parameter also accepts wildcards which are automatically replaced by the full path of the file that was just uploaded. Example:

var siteCommandStor = "processfile *";

This would result in U-Upload sending the following command to your FTP server after each file is uploaded:

SITE processfile /pathtofile/filename.txt

Default value: ""
Valid values: "<valid FTP SITE command>"

delimiter Used in conjunction with postURL parameter, this parameter specifies the delimiter in between the list of files to the url as set for postURL parameter.

Default value: "#,#"
Valid values: "<valid delimiter>"

If set to a valid url, U-Upload Cart will do an HTTP POST to the specified URL with a log of the FTP session when the applet is exited (browser closed, or page unloaded), or when the page is redirected. The POST will contain a parameter called "logs", and the value will be the FTP session log.

Default value: ""
Valid values: "<valid URL>"


If set to a valid url, U-Upload Cart will do an HTTP POST to the specified URL with a list of all uploaded files delimited by the delimiter as set.The url will also contain information regarding base directory and total size of all uploaded files onto the ftp server. The parameters will be called "f", "baseDir", and "totalSize" respectively.

Default value: ""
Valid values: "<valid URL>"

If this parameter is set to "true", all path info is maintained when files are uploaded. Otherwise the path info is not included. This parameter will also maintian the absolute path info regarding target file of uploaded windows shortcut (.lnk) files.

Default value: "true"
Valid values: "<true or false>"

If set to true, U-Upload will convert accented characters in a filename to non-accented characters.

Default value: "false"
Valid values: "true", "false"


If set to true, U-Upload will replace all spaces in a filename to an underscore character.

Default value: "false"
Valid values: "true", "false"


If set to true, U-Upload will strip path information from the file data that is sent to the URL specified in the postURL parameter.

Default value: "false"
Valid values: "true", "false"


If set to true, on Mac OS X 10.1 or higher, U-Upload will create a DMG disk image that contains all selected files and upload the DMG to the FTP server. The DMG file maintains all resource forks.

Default value: "false"
Valid values: "true", "false"


When using the "autoDmg" parameter, this allows you to specify the name of the DMG file that is created and uploaded to the FTP server.

Default value: "files.dmg"
Valid values: "<valid filename>"


If set to "true", this will post the contents of any Zip or DMG file created rather than posting the name of the Zip or DMG file that was created. This is used in conjunction with the "postURL" parameter.

Default value: "false"
Valid values: "true", "false"


By default, clicking the "Add all" button will add all files and directories in in the current working directory into the upload queue. Setting this value to false will force U-Upload to only add files.

Default value: "true"
Valid values: "true", "false"


If set to "true", U-Upload Cart will show thumbnails of image file son the left hand browse pane while the use is browsing.

Default value: "false"
Valid values: "true", "false"


This parameter limits the number of thumbnails per page to improve browsing speeds.

Default value: "5"
Valid values: "<valid integer>"


This specifies the longest side (in pixels) of the thumbnails displayed in the left hand pane.

Default value: "100"
Valid values: "<valid integer>"


If set to "true", the file size will be verified after upload is complete. This relies on the SIZE command being implemeneted on the FTP server. If you see errors with this feature enabled, your FTP server likely doesn't support the SIZE command.

Default value: "false"
Valid values: "true", "false"

4.4 Color and Interface settings

These parameters control the various colors of the U-Upload Cart interface. They allow you to blend the color scheme of U-Upload Cart with that of your existing web page.

Color and Interface settings


U-Upload Cart allows you to customize the language of the text on the interface. To do this, edit the contents of "lang_en.txt" which is included in the download archive. Save the file with an appropriate language code. Example for French might be "lang_fr.txt". This parameter should then be set to "fr".

Default value: "en"
Valid values: "<language code>" - There must also be a file defined
 lang_<language code>.txt in the same directory as
 uuploadcart.jar,uuploadcartMac.jar (For Mac only), and uuploadcart.cab.


Allows you to change the background of the applet using standard RGB (Red, Green, Blue) values separated by a comma. For example white = 255,255,255

Default value: "255,255,255"
Valid values: "<valid RGB values between 0 and 255>"


Width of the U-Upload Cart applet.

Default value: "500"
Valid values: "<integer value (in pixels)>"


Height of the U-Upload Cart applet.

Default value: "150"
Valid values: "<integer value (in pixels)>"


This parameter  toggles the visibility of localaddressbar on top of directory list box to be on or off.

Default value: "true"
Valid values: "<true or false>"


This parameter toggles the visibility of selection preview box to be on or off.

Default value: "true"
Valid values: "<true or false>"


This parameter specifies the placement of Upload button on Upload Cart applet. In this version of Upload Cart Upload Button can only be placed on top or bottom of the applet. Invalid value if specified will be overridden with the default value of this parameter.

Default value: "NORTH"
Valid values:  "<NORTH or SOUTH>"


4.5 Error page URLs

These parameters allow you to define your own error pages for different types of errors that can occur when a user attempts to load U-Upload Cart.

Customizable Error Pages

This error page will be called when the user is running Windows, and their Netscape version is not sufficient to run U-Upload Cart.

Default value: ""
Valid values: "<valid URL>"


This error page will be called when the user is running Windows, and their Internet Explorer version is not sufficient to run U-Upload Cart.

Default value: ""
Valid values: "<valid URL>"


This error page will be called when the user is running Windows with Internet Explorer and the Microsoft VM for Java is not sufficient to run U-Upload Cart.

Default value: ""
Valid values: "<valid URL>"


This error page will be called when the user is running Unix, and their Netscape version is not sufficient to run U-Upload Cart.

Default value: ""
Valid values: "<valid URL>"


This error page will be called when the user is running Mac OS, and their Internet Explorer version is not sufficient to run U-Upload Cart.

Default value: ""
Valid values: "<valid URL>"


This error page will be called when the user is running Mac OS, and their Netscape version is not sufficient to run U-Upload.

Default value: ""
Valid values: "<valid URL>"


This error page will be called when the user is running Opera browser, and the version is not sufficient to run U-Upload Cart.

Default value: ""
Valid values: "<valid URL>"


This error page will be called when the user rejects the security certificate or does not grant the permissions required for U-Upload Cart to run.

Default value: ""
Valid values: "<valid URL>"

4.6 Language settings

U-Upload Cart's language settings allow you to customize the text on the applet. This can be accomplished by modifying the text elements provided in the lang_en.txt file. Alternatively if you wish to provide support for multiple languages you may create a separate language file for each language you wish to support. Using this method you can dynamically load the language file based on the "language" parameter provided to U-Upload Cart.

For example, if you wish to create a language file that contains the text elements for the German language then follow these steps:

  1. Copy the default lang_en.txt file to a new file named lang_de.txt
  2. Update the text element values in lang_de.txt providing the German equivalents.
  3. Adjust the language parameter of U-Upload Cart with the value of "de".
  4. Upload lang_de.txt and the modified uuploadcart.js files to the web server directory that contains U-Upload Cart.

Note: If no language parameter is provided then the default lang_en.txt file is used.

5 Advanced Features

5.1 Advanced file selection interface

U-Upload Cart will let you automatically preview any image files before uploading the same. If there is no preview available U-Upload Cart will display the default preview for non image file.See Section 3.2 for selection preview box.

5.2 Loading U-Upload Cart  dynamically

In some cases, it may be desirable to load the U-Upload Cart applet dynamically using JavaScript or using a server side scripting language such as JSP, PHP or ColdFusion. If this is the case, you may want to move the contents of uuploadcart.js into your dynamic page by cutting and pasting the entire source in between two <script> tags. You can then replace the variable values with values obtained from your dynamic page. Here is an example:

String username = "anonymous" ;
String password = "uftp@nlimitedftp.com" ;
String hostname = "ftp.sun.com" ;
String port = "21" ;

// Connection related values 

var server = " <%= hostname %> " ;
var port = " <%= port %> " ;
var pass = " <%= password %> " ;
var user = " <%= username %> " ;


5.3 Integrating U-Upload Cart with your web application

Further to loading U-Upload Cart  dynamically, you may want to fully integrate U-Upload Cart into your web application's workflow. To do this we provide a way to automatically redirect after the upload is complete. This allows you to use U-Upload Cart as a means to move the files to your FTP server. There are 4 URLs you can use to redirect after uploads are complete. "callurlaftertransfer" , "transfererrorurl" , "transfercancelurl", "othererrorurl". All of these are described in Section 4.3.

U-Upload also provides the "postURL" and "sendLogsToURL" parameters, also described in Section 4.3.

6 Support

6.1 Frequently Asked Questions and Troubleshooting

A comprehensive list of frequently asked questions can be found at http://www.unlimitedftp.ca/support/faq/

6.2 Support forums

Our support forums are available 24/7 and are a great place to get answers. http://www.unlimitedftp.ca/support/

6.3 Phone, email and chat support

Email : info@utechsoft.com (usual response time is1 business day)

Live chat : http://www.unlimitedftp.ca/support/ (available 9 - 5 Eastern Standard Time)

Phone: 1-877-EASY-FTP (available 9 - 5 Eastern Time)



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